Our complete funeral service with cremation is $4,288.50, including taxes and registration fees.
This service combines the elements of a traditional funeral with the choice of cremation. It typically includes a full funeral service with the body present in a casket, followed by cremation instead of burial. This option allows for a traditional farewell ceremony while honouring the wish for cremation, offering flexibility in handling the cremated remains afterward.
Professional & staff services | $3,085.00 |
Completing documents | $50.00 |
Transfer services (1) | $200.00 |
Facilities - General | $100.00 |
Automotive - Funeral Coach | $240.00 |
Cardboard cremation container | included |
White cardboard urn and packaging | included |
Cremation fee (2) (3) | $395.00 |
Embalming and Dressing (not required by law) | $695.00 |
Sub-Total | $4,765.00 |
Less Discount for Members of Memorial Society of BC (10%) | - $476.50 |
Sub-Total - for Members of Memorial Society of BC | $4,288.50 |
Consumer Protection BC fee (Government) | $48.00 |
MSBC Records Fees | $35.00 |
Goods and Services Tax | $214.43 |
Death Certificate | $27.00 |
Total | $4,612.93 |
1. Additional charge for a transfers from Hope, private residences, hospices, care homes or other funeral homes - $145 ; Additional transfer fee for transfers from Squamish and Lions Bay - $600
2. Charge for a Cremation Tray may apply if your loved one is greater than 220 pounds - $299
3. Removal of pacemaker - $75